My journey began in college, thanks to a professor and a dear friend. I felt that I had always been a person to live life to the fullest, so it didn't seem a difficult challenge to make "my bucket list". For a while, it was easy crossing things off my list. Then life changed. As it always does, and will always continue to do. Life threw a couple of curveballs my way, and though I was able to take a swing at them, it has left me with a feeling of "unfinished dreams".
So, my journey has begun.. to what extremes do we go to, to "live life to it's fullest?" When or do we "change" our dreams?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Midlife Crisis? Syndrome?

To me, there isn't one huge crisis that we hit in our late 30-40's, it's something we do again and again throughout our lives. I believe, that we all have 'midlife crisis' syndrome. From rearranging the furniture in our house, to buying that new outfit, or starting a new hobby that makes us feel young again. We set goals for ourselves, such as running a marathon, or going back to school. As humans, we constantly need change in our lives, and that need is either fulfilled or it continues to grow. Sometimes, it gets so big, it begins to change relationships. After all, as couples, you can either grow together, or you grow apart. So here is my question today... how do {you} tackle your 'midlife crisis syndrome'?

1 comment:

  1. I think, we keep the small crisis' at ease, by always having a new goal, something new to strive for.. always having something to work towards.
