My journey began in college, thanks to a professor and a dear friend. I felt that I had always been a person to live life to the fullest, so it didn't seem a difficult challenge to make "my bucket list". For a while, it was easy crossing things off my list. Then life changed. As it always does, and will always continue to do. Life threw a couple of curveballs my way, and though I was able to take a swing at them, it has left me with a feeling of "unfinished dreams".
So, my journey has begun.. to what extremes do we go to, to "live life to it's fullest?" When or do we "change" our dreams?

Monday, February 22, 2010

{Change and Challenge..}

After a nice relaxing weekend, I am feeling refreshed, but still lost. Is there a way to continue on my journey, crossing off my "bucket list" as I go, without putting my dreams before my family? I've decided that it would be much easier if were a)a man, b)rich. Sixty percent of olympic athletes are men. Of the 40%, I feel the majority of women athletes are younger. Single, newly married and not mothers. It seems that most who are [mothers], are retiring to be with their children. Is it too late in the game? Is it time for me to CHANGE my dream? I have, after all, been able to still continue crossing things off my list... travelling to Australia, Germany, Canada, Meixco, skydiving, and competing in an olympic sport. And, I have many more things I can still cross off. Is it time to cross skeleton/competing at the Olympics off my list? Or, is this one of those challenges, that is put in your life to make the success so much sweeter?

Anyone have one of these I can borrow?


  1. You are such a beautiful writer and can't wait to follow your upcoming posts... please don't cross skeleton off your list... who says becoming a mother means giving up your dreams.... your children will be your biggest fans! "Who's the best??" YOU ARE!!

  2. Don't give up skeleton, you are talented and driven! You deserve a chance to do something for yourself and i'm sure your family and friends will support you 100%!
