My journey began in college, thanks to a professor and a dear friend. I felt that I had always been a person to live life to the fullest, so it didn't seem a difficult challenge to make "my bucket list". For a while, it was easy crossing things off my list. Then life changed. As it always does, and will always continue to do. Life threw a couple of curveballs my way, and though I was able to take a swing at them, it has left me with a feeling of "unfinished dreams".
So, my journey has begun.. to what extremes do we go to, to "live life to it's fullest?" When or do we "change" our dreams?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

{Hi-Ho Silver...... the rocking horse}

After a long break in posts, due to a computer virus, I'm back and feeling like I am 'almost' ready for 'my final answer'. I've struggled as of late, feeling like a rocking horse, going back and forth without really getting anywhere. I remembered something that my mom told me a long time ago... I'm feeling old today, so it was really only a few years ago. She said, "Sometimes when we are searching for an answer, and we feel that we aren't getting one, that is most often the answer." I have been wondering as of late, if I have been fighting the answer instead of accepting what it was. In an eternal aspect of things, I would trade any gold medals to have my brother back. However, I wouldn't take anything in return for the things I have learned and the people I've met since he passed. A gold medal lasts for 17 some odd days, your family, and the memories, are forever.
So, I've come to a semi-final decision. I'm going to compete one last time, this upcoming winter, and just race at Park City's track. I'm not going to travel anywhere. I'll just compete at the regionals race and PCity's version of the Winter X Games. Then, I can say that I finished well, and I'll have photos of my two boys with me at the finish line, hopefully on the podium. I'll know then, after having done it again, what I'm willing to sacrifice most.